
伊藤亮助教、博士課程 の謝詩雨さん、修士課程(現在、技術員)のミグマル トゥメンジャルガルさん、秋田大 松村欣宏教授(東大・東北大 酒井研 准教授)、酒井寿郎教授らの論文がiScienceオンライン版に掲載されました。


Ryo Ito, Shiyu Xie, Myagmar Tumenjargal, Yuto Sugahara, Chaoran Yang, Hiroki Takahashi, Makoto Arai, Shin-Ichi Inoue, Aoi Uchida, Kenji Nakano, Hyunmi Choi, Ge Yang, Yanan Zhao, Rei Yamaguchi, Hitomi Jin, Hina Sagae, Youichiro Wada, Toshiya Tanaka, Hiroshi Kimura, Tatsuhiko Kodama, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Kazuhisa Takeda, Takeshi Inagaki, Timothy F. Osborne, Takeshi Yoneshiro, Yoshihiro Matsumura, Juro Sakai. Mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipose tissue mediated by JMJD1A-PGC-1 axis limits age-related metabolic disease, iScience, 27-4, 2024


東北大プレスリリース エピゲノム変化が脂肪のエネルギー消費を促進し肥満を抑制する -肥満や糖尿病の発症機序解明に期待-


press release(English)







Ito et al. show that histone demethylation by JMJD1A is crucial for mitochondrial biogenesis in beige adipocytes of subcutaneous white adipose tissue and contributes to the prevention of metabolic disorders associated with obesity. In the image, the North Wind symbolizes the inactive JMJD1A mutant, and the traveler’s coat represents the state of histone methylation. Due to the North Wind’s influence, the traveler’s coat cannot be removed, and the adipose tissue remains white, depicted by the traveler’s pale face. The cold traveler implies low thermogenesis and metabolism. Weight gain is indirectly shown by the overweight dog with the traveler. The Sun symbolizes normal JMJD1A and the traveler pulling off his coat represents demethylation. The warm and happy traveler reflects the results of thermogenesis and stimulated metabolism. The slightly sun-kissed traveler’s face means beiging of white adipose tissue. A well-built and dignified dog accompanies the traveler means the maintenance of normal body weight. The sun’s heat causes the traveler to sweat, symbolizing heat generation. The presence of mitochondrial patterns embroidered on his handkerchief, hat, and pants imply the mitochondrial proliferation.